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Entry point in a sentence

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Sentence count:71Posted:2019-05-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: delivery pointpoint of entrycentral pointway pointkey pointpoint-to-pointcontrol pointappointment
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31. In the good old days, you accomplished this task by manually instrumenting each function to emit a unique symbol at its entry point and at each of its exit points.
32. This article offers various pros and cons to help select the right entry point and prepare architectures suitable for incremental improvements towards these goals.
33. The operating system loader calls this method regardless of the entry point specified in the image file.
34. application modules: typically one per project, this is the main entry point to the application.
35. But by using executable JAR files, we can run an application without extracting it or needing to know the main entry point.
36. When no entry point is present, this member is zero.
37. "If we got a test of 1,280 that held I think that would be an outstanding entry point," he said.
37. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
38. The main entry point for GUI creation is gaej.example.client.SimpleGWTApp, shown in Listing 8.
39. Each slot contains the address of the corresponding virtual method's entry point.
40. This class is the main entry point that the designer uses to interact with the model.
41. Under ARM architecture, hardware generated external interrupts ( IRQ ) have one single entry point.
42. In this way, you have an authentic entry point that resembles closely how you would expect your users to access the application that is composed of this core logic.
43. The SpringRunner class is the main entry point for this example.
44. You can also find Entry Point or Exit Point options in the Add UML context menu.
45. There are two fine routes for divers to take from the entry point.
46. It's the entry point for thousands of Chadian migrants fleeing the conflict in Libya.
47. A pointer to the entry point function, relative to the image base address.
48. The pyriform sinus entry point were localized with retrograde reamed; then, intramedullary nail was performed through the anterograde approach after limited reamed.
49. The Mara Triangle is not only the gateway for animals passing through from Serengeti to the Mara, but also the main entry point for poachers.
50. If the stock does not break above the entry point, do not enter.
51. The ConfigurationInterface class, illustrated in Figure 1 and Listing 13, is the primary entry point to the configuration interface framework.
52. This servlet serves as the primary entry point of all the HTTP Web service requests and delegates the request and response object instances to the request processor for further processing.
53. In order to distinguish worker threads from the UI thread, the main entry point for the sample application sets the Name property of the CurrentThread object to "UIThread."
54. Recommend we adjust re - entry point to Omicron J - Vector Theta.
55. They might involve multithreading, or they might simply provide an entry point for synchronous updates.
56. The execute method is the primary entry point whenever a user executes an action that requires them to submit the page.
57. We did eventually find the right entry point and get to the women's gymnastics.
58. A naive approach might be to use a library entry point for sorting, supplied with a comparison function to say that "Kim Black" precedes "Dan Smith" because 40,000 is greater than 6,000, and so on.
59. A WSDL definition file used by SCA runtime to bind the entry point needs to be created prior to creating the entry point in the sca.module file.
60. brsl stands for "branch relative and set link." This branches to the function entry point and sets the link register (LR) to the next instruction for the return address.
More similar words: delivery pointpoint of entrycentral pointway pointkey pointpoint-to-pointcontrol pointappointmentby appointmentdisappointmentappointment bookletter of appointmentpointpointspointyin pointpoint topoint uppointedpoint outpointerappointoutpointendpointend pointto a pointpointinggunpointballpointset point
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